It Is You
Walking through the tall door
Into the Physical Science classroom,
There were strangers seated before me.
Everyone stared at me-
This red-headed, freckled face freshman
Entering apprehensively.
I wan't sure where to sit,
What to say,
Or what to do.
A dark-haired boy
With a charcoal gray shirt
And grease stained pants
Finally smiled and welcomed me.
It was you...
Anxiously fumbling with my clothes, hair, and makeup,
I awaited the sound of the loud exhaust of the pickup
To confirm the time to leave.
Music blaring
And wind blowing my carefully fixed hair,
I wondered in fear how this first date would go.
Would we have anything to talk about?
How would I eat pasta without making a mess of myself?
The dark-haired boy
In his button up shirt, jeans, and Van shoes
Now sat at the dinner table in front of me.
He smiled and joked around
To ease my nerves.
It was you...
Ten months of dinners, movies,
Road trips, family get-togethers, laughter,
And intense late night talks.
Ten months of anticipation
Every time I would hear the pickup
Getting closer and closer to my house.
One warm, calm, late summer night
At the lookout point on the lake.
The dark-haired boy
In his tee shirt and pants
Dropped to his knee and proposed.
My thoughts ran wild,
Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach,
But one look at him
And I knew I couldn't imagine one day
Without those brown-speckled blue eyes
Staring back at me.
It was you...
Chaos everywhere at the church.
Girls cluttered in the fellowship hall.
Boys in the Sunday school room.
Everyone wearing proud, enthusiastic smiles.
I, in my white pearl and rhinestoned gown,
Met with my father and exchanged a bittersweet hug.
The entrance of the church's transformed sanctuary
Now looked like a lit up Heavenly garden.
The time to begin a new phase of life had come.
Smiling, laughing, and crying
From the hesitant feelings in my mind,
I saw the boy at the end of the aisle.
Except now, he was a man
Dressed in his tuxedo and Doc Marten boots.
He gave a slight smile of approval and amazement
And reassured the reason we were brought together.
He made my heart beam with sunshine!
It was you...
Every five minutes,
I would contract in pain.
Scared and in denial of what was happening,
I put on a brave face as we sat in the dreary hospital room.
For both of my children's births,
There were plenty of eager family members
Awaiting the arrival of that precious creation.
Shaking, cringing,
Breathing calmly, and bearing the pain,
I felt entangled with mixed emotions
At the thought of being a new mother.
Each time, I looked over
To that dark-haired man
Still in his tee shirt and jeans.
His rough, calloused hands held mine
As he gently graced my forehead with a kiss.
His presence eased my worries.
It was you...
Bad days at work,
Deadlines to meet,
Finances to manage.
Children crying,
Demanding attention,
Ball practice,
And dance lessons.
The hustle and bustle of my everyday life.
The stress gets overwhelming at times,
And I crumble in panicky alarm and fear
Of not knowing how to keep it all balanced.
The dark-haired man
In his unfailing tee shirt and jeans
Reaches out to embrace me
With his tan, strong arms.
His comforting and supportive touch
Is my security that alleviates all the uncertainties of life.
It is you...
And, without you, I wouldn't be me!