Thursday, June 7, 2012

Relish the Memories

Growing up, I was very lucky to have all my grandparents alive and involved in my life.  Because of this, I would spend countless hours at their houses making memories. 

At one set of grandparents' house, I always did crafts, exercised, sang, and played "pretend" outside.  At another grandparents' house, I learned to shoot pool.  And, at the other grandparents' house, I learned to cook, rode my bike around the neighborhood, and explored the trails in the woods next to the neighborhood.  Each of these adventures taught me life lessons even if it was as simple as learning to be responsible off on my own.  As I look back now, I realize some of my friends were not as blessed to be able to have their grandparents as active in their lives to help create these wonderful childhood memories.

Yesterday, as a mom of a (soon to be) eight year old and a six year old, I realized something else!  My grandma (my children's GREAT-grandma) has been keeping my kids while I finish at work for this school year.  As I picked my children up yesterday, I couldn't help but notice how sweaty and dirty they were (we're talking dirt behind the ears and in between the toes dirty).  Obviously, they had played extremely hard out in the hot June sun.

In the car on the way home, I began to smile and almost tear up as I listened to my children tell me about their adventures at Maw's house that day.  They described riding their bikes "many miles" around the neighborhood.  They detailed every mud hole they created and dirt pile they built.  However, my favorite story they illustrated was that of going thru the trails in the woods with their neighborhood friends - the same trails and woods I grew up playing in. (As a matter of fact, today they told me about seeing "Big Foot" in the woods!  Too funny!)

I'll be honest...  these days it scares me to think of how easy it would be for someone to take off with my children as they're out playing in the neighborhood.  On the other hand, I cherish the fact that my kids are getting to be real kids making memories the same way I did as a child.  Instead of worrying about my kids exploring new adventures in the neighborhood and woods, I decided to relish the memories. 

I listened to my kids characterizing every little detail of their adventures for the day, and it brought back all the memories of the same adventures I had experienced there as a child.  It made me realize several things:

1) I need to let my kids be kids more often,
2) How lucky I was to grow up making those memories at my grandparents' house(s),
3) How lucky my kids are to have their GREAT-grandparents still alive and involved in their lives, and
4) More than anything, how fortunate my kids are to be making these wonderful memories in the same "old-fashioned" way I did.

Overall, I feel truly blessed to know that my kids are not just sitting in front of a TV, computer screen, or a digital game all day.  Not that there's anything wrong with technology, but I feel that too many kids aren't getting to experience a real childhood due to these things.  Luckily, my kids are being REAL (old-school) kids making childhood memories outside, and I hope one day they'll relish the memories as much as I do!

To end this post, I thought I'd leave you a couple of pictures of the kids being REAL kids this past Easter.  Nothing shows a fun childhood like a tire swing and trying to climb a tree!  Enjoy!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fitting for Today

**I wrote this almost a year ago after having a really bad day at work.  Today was another one of those days, so I thought it only fitting to re-read my note I wrote last year to remind myself of some things.  Hope you enjoy!**

Keep Singing

by Crystal Jeffirs Binning on Facebook on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 7:32pm

To begin with, I'm not one to post "notes" on Facebook, but today I've felt the calling to write.  Honestly, I feel like God has truly led me to this message and it needs to be shared publicly.  I'm sure I'm not the only one with this emotion right now, so hopefully this "note" will help someone else in the process.  And, if you read this and don't like it, then that's fine as well.  However, I thought you should know that today I've had an awakening!

In the past year and a half my relationship with God has grown more than I could have ever imagined.  Don't get me wrong!  I'm not saying I'm perfect by far.  I still make mistakes and sin like most everyone.  However, I have changed!  It desperately convicts me to know when I've sinned which has led me to steer away from most negative aspects in my life.  I'm tired of being around those that bring me down.  I'm tired of useless drama.  Therefore, I have decided that it's time to put my priorites in order and realize that my purpose on Earth is to praise God and give Him thanks for what He has blessed me with.

Because of this awakening in the past year and a half, I've also noticed that the ways of this world are really beginning to bother me as well.  To put it bluntly, I can't wait to leave this world!  It saddens my heart to see how much our world has gone downhill just since I was a child.  It also saddens me to think of what it will be like for my children.  Not only is there violence and disease plaguing our world, but where have our Christian values gone?  What happened to marriages lasting?  What happened to raising your children in church and teaching them right from wrong?  What has happened to teaching manners in our society and actually using them?

All of these "issues" have really been pressing on my heart and mind here lately.  And, who knows...maybe it's because I'm a teacher who in the last 6 years of teaching has seen a depressing decline in today's youth and their morals/values.  Or, maybe it's God's way of reaching me and showing me that I am a Christian role model for these students and I have a higher purpose in their lives besides just being an educator.  Sometimes I wonder if school and the teachers are the only stable thing in some of these kids' lives.  What an honor God has given me to be a part of influencing them and guiding them.  I'm not saying that I "preach" to my students in class.  We all know that's against the law!  What I am saying, however, is that I can only hope my actions and words are enough to show them that there is more to life than what they sometimes see.  And, I hope they realize that it's okay to go against the corrupt "norms" of the world today.  There's nothing wrong with standing up for what's right, for being respectful, and for being a leader.  What I hope they realize is that the things of this Earthly world are temporary and do not matter.  What matters is how they lived their life towards pleasing God and where they will spend their eternity.

Most of us today could think of numerous family members, friends, etc. who are truly hurting.  Whether it be marriage issues, financial struggles, abuse, or health issues, there are not many who aren't needing our prayers.  Today, I had a really stressful day at work.  As I was wallowing in my self-pity on the way home, a song came on called "Keep Singing" by Mercy Me.  This song literally brought me to tears driving down the road in front of my own children.  This song awakened me more than I could have imagined a song could do.  Even though it was on my USB drive in my car, today was the first time I had heard it.  (If you haven't heard this song, I highly recommend you looking it up.)

Regardless, I wanted to make it known what God opened my eyes to see today:  No matter what struggles in life we may be going through, the only way to keep on surviving is to praise His name.  There's NO other answer but God.  He has a plan for all of us, and He will take care of us!

Like I mentioned earlier in this "note" (which has now turned into an essay it seems), our world is in constant chaos right now.  However, I'm going to continue singing God's praises, and I hope you will as well.  I can't wait to go home to see Him.  Each day I wonder if it will be my last.  Will I get to meet my Heavely Father soon?  Will I die first or will the rapture take place?  Either way, I can't wait to spend eternity in Heaven knowing there will be no more pain or tears from this world.  My question for you, though, is will you keep singing His praises?  Will you be ready to go home to see Him?  I know I will, and I hope you will too.  So, my challenge to each of you is to "Keep Singing!"

Because of the amazing impact this song made on me today, I've listed the lyrics below:

"Keep Singing" by MercyMe

Another rainy day
I can't recall having sunshine on my face
All I feel is pain
All I wanna do is walk out of this place
But when I am stuck and I can't move
When I don't know what I should do
When I wonder if I'll ever make it through

I gotta keep singing
I gotta keep praising Your name
You're the one who's keeping my heart beating
I gotta keep singing
I gotta keep praising Your name
That's the only way that I'll find healing

Can I climb up in Your lap?
I don't wanna leave
Jesus, sing over me
I gotta keep singing

Can I climb up in Your lap?
I don't wanna leave
Jesus, sing over me
I gotta keep singing

Oh, You're everything I need
And I gotta keep singing