In March of 2006, I never would have thought that my baby girl would have been born early. However, four and a half weeks before her due date, Landry decided it was time to make her appearance.
It was a Wednesday morning, March 22nd to be exact. I had gone to the doctor the past Friday and found out I was already beginning to dialate, so my instructions were to take it easy. When I woke up on Tuesday, March 22nd, and began getting myself and Carter dressed and ready for a relaxing day at home, I realized something wasn't right. Matt was at work and I was at home trying my best to manuever through contractions and taking care of an energetic 21 month old little boy.
The contractions began getting closer and closer until finally I couldn't make it five minutes without another hitting. I called my doctor and she told me to go to the hospital to be monitored. Our plan was that when I went into labor, Matt would come get me, we'd take Carter to his parents' house, and then go to the hospital. However, at this moment in time, Matt was at work and his mom was grocery shopping. Therefore, Matt left Texarkana, rushed out to Maud to pick me and Carter up to go to the hospital knowing that a second birth went a lot faster than the first. We were just hoping we'd make it to the hospital without her being born! Meanwhile, Matt's mother had been at TexasWalMart grocery shopping. She had to abandon her full grocery cart to meet us at the hospital in order to watch Carter.
By the time we arrived at the hospital, Matt's mom had met us there and my mom was on her way. I was barely able to stand up at the time due to the contractions, but I tried not to let the pain show because I didn't want to scare Carter (who was oblivious to it all the best I can remember)! After finally getting to a room and hooked up to monitors around 11 a.m., the nurse confirmed that I wasn't making much progress so once the doctor came by to examine me and take a look I would probably be sent home. I was so embarrassed! How could I not know what real labor was when this was my second pregnancy?
When my doctor did arrive at 1:00 or so, she came in examined me and said I had dialated a little more and she wanted to watch me for a little bit longer. She never let on that she thought there was a problem, but little did we know there was. At 2:00, she came in again and calmly told us that everytime I contracted the baby's heart rate was dropping which probably meant the cord was wrapped around her neck. Instead of giving me medicine to stop my contractions so I could go home, she was going to give me the Petocin (sp?) in order to induce me into full labor. They began the Petocin, ran a bag of IV fluids through me, and at 2:45 broke my water. From then on out, it went by very quickly. All I remember are INTENSE contractions and the doctor and nurses continually coming by to check on me and the baby.
By the time I was dialated to a 5, I had the option of getting an epidural. Of course with the pain I was already in, I opted for getting it! However, after two attempts at an epidural (and it was now 4:00), apparently there was another hitch in the road: I had too much scar tissue in my lower back from previous spinal taps and the epidural with Carter, so this epidural couldn't get past the scar tissue to work properly. So, on top of being scared that my baby girl was inside me with the cord around her neck, I now was also terrified that I'd have to feel EVERYTHING during labor. I was not a happy camper!! One of my nurses was a lady we went to church with at the time, and I just continued to tell her the following: "If I say any ugly words or anything I might regret, please don't tell anyone!!"
Luckily, my doctor knew how I didn't like pain and that I was literally scared to death, so she made sure to give me some Staydol (sp?). This was a medicine that pretty much made me loopy to where I wasn't aware of what was really going on. Finally, at 5:45, I had dialated to a 7, but they were going to try to do the epidural ONE last time - no other chances after this. When I sat up for the injection, like I said, I was dialated to a 7. When I laid back after the epidural, I was at a 10 and my baby was beginning to crown. It was crazy and I was STILL in pain! The nurses were scared because my doctor had headed to take her son to Wednesday night church services! The nurses began to panic and told me not to move or push because the baby would probably come out.
At this moment in time, the Staydol began to work really well. I don't remember much from this point on, but according to Matt, his mom, and my mom, I was pretty hilarious. I continued to ask them to push the epidural button to give me more pain meds even though I wasn't aware that I was hurting anymore. Then at one point, I apparently told Matt that I felt the baby come out and he needed to lift the covers to find her. And, yes, I wouldn't settle down until he actually looked to make sure she wasn't just sitting on the sheets between my legs. LOL! Once my doctor arrived, I apparently embarrassed myself again, when I told her she needed to change clothes because she was still in her street clothes. Wow! So, glad I had the excuse of being "doped" up instead of this being my normal state of mind.
The next thing I knew, I had a beautiful baby girl in my arms and I was crying while Matt was kissing my forehead. I don't remember pushing, I don't remember hurting. God took care of everything and then allowed me to enjoy the bonding experience after she was born! Of course, when I was really able to see my baby girl, Landry, she had such dark hair and it was very curly that I kept insisting to Matt that I promised she was his! (Not sure why I did this, because obviously if you know Matt, dark hair is a family gene!)
Well, after all the long drama of that day, Landry was officially here on Wednesday, March 22, 2006 at 6:52 p.m. She weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz. and was 20 inches long. Even though she didn't look like what I had anticipated, I could not have asked for a more beautiful baby girl! We were so proud, as was her new big borther, Carter!
(A picture of that curly black hair)
(My first time to hold her)
(Matt's first time with his little girl)
(Carter meeting his little sister for the first time)
It is so hard to believe that five years has flown by this quickly. It amazes me at how fast she has grown and matured. Yes, she's VERY independent, which is challenging at times (like tonight when she refused to eat dinner).
Yes, we have had and continue to sometimes have many dramatic melt-downs. However, it's the moments of me getting to witness her character growth and maturity that make all the tough times with her worth while. She is absolutely a smart child who loves to entertain, give help and love to others, and who is already a leader amongst her peers. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for my Landry-bug! Without her birth, I know that our life would not have been such a beautiful ride!
To end this blog, I've posted several pics from her birth through her first year! By the way, I'm not sure why some of these are turned the wrong way. I coudn't figure out how to fix them! Sorry! Also, most of these are pics of pics, so that's why they're not the best quality!
(Her hospital picture - not sure why this is turned the wrong way)
(Her birth announcement)
(Her bedding in the nursery)
(More of her nursery)
(She hated bath time - one of her first melt downs)
(Her first Easter! How tiny!)
(Relaxing in Daddy's arms one night)
(Carter holding her on her first Easter)
(Sleeping in her swing)
(Another one of her meltdowns)
(More of the nursery)
(Nursery again)
(About 8 months old...wild hair!)
(10 months old...bubble baby)
(11 months old...wild hair again)
(1st birthday party with Daddy)
(Had just learned to walk the week of her 1st birthday)
(Her "big" cake for 1st birthday party)
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